A unique world full of fabulous creatures

Discover wild dolphins with us

During all of our tours it is possible to observe dolphins and other animals in their natural environment. We saw them a hundred times, but even after years, every sighting is an intense emotion!

  • Cost:

    • Private Charter: from €.500,00
    • during halfday tours: from €.60,00
Extreme Sports Jet Skiing
Extreme Sports Jet Skiing
Discover the wonders of the marina world

Observing marine mammals in their natural environment is an unforgettable emotion!

Extreme Sports Jet Skiing
What are you waiting for?!

Go aboard with us!

Extreme Sports Jet Skiing
Certified Operators

Collective certification mark for whale-watching operators
complying with the Code of Good Conduct by Cima Foundation.

It’s all about Thrill, High Speeds
and Top Level Risk

Get ready to

experience unique emotions

Una serata indimenticabbile

Dolphins and other Marine Mammals

Observing dolphins that often come close to the boat, is a very special experience and for sure an unforgettable memory!

Extreme Sports Jet Skiing
Extreme Sports Jet Skiing

In the Mediteranean Sea we usually meet Bottlenose Dolphins, Striped Dolphins, Common Dolphins, Pot Whales and Fin Whales.

Other Sea Dwellers

The Thyrrenian Sea is a natural habitat for many interesting animals. During our excursions we can see Mantas, Sea Turtles and Flying Gurnards.

Extreme Sports Jet Skiing
Extreme Sports Jet Skiing

Please Note: Dolphins and other animals are wild animals, living in their natural environment. We cannot guarantee sightings at 100 percent.

You can find more photos of sightings in our photo and video gallery.

Book your experience right now…